Sunday, August 24, 2014

回忆当初因为在班上胡闹而被罚坐 “特别位” (其他人都是因为没交功课),可那男孩却似乎不以为意,反而有些沾沾自喜,只因 “特别位” 靠近他心目中的 “女神” 。男孩在小六时就为了在放学后陪她直到家人来接送她,而荒废了训练乒乓的时间,结果那年常年冠军的男孩只获得了亚军。毕业时的不舍,还真只是因为不舍得离开那一位小女孩,忍着忍着结果泪眼汪汪,还好不是哭的稀里哗啦,看着左邻右舍同样也红眼肿肿,却相互谎称眼里进沙,疼痛难忍!哈哈!


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

//Feel it when you've poured all your heart into the sea
//The worst is, you can't even make no ripple on the surface of the sea
//Yeaa man all gifts from me are bizarre, but only for you, whether they suck or not, I suck
The final product with her portrait and the roman numeral which indicates her 21st.

The outline which  drawn by placing the paper on the LCD screen in order to save time and get perfect ratio

Start to portray out the face

That's the face!

And a lil bit of hair 

Rest station 

Further view

Pencil sketch with the grey fabric dye on the try 

Black markers are added

Closer view

Getting the outline on the shirt (which is so damn hard!)

OMG what?

Paper work, shirt work, and photoshop work

Finally got something which is quite decent, though I a lot prefer the pencil sketch :|

Family photo lolz

The front shirt which is empty (Time is the restraining order)

Final product

Gift is ready. Waiting for the slim chance to give out
Introduce you my drawing buddies this time. Kurecolor markers(Costly), Brushes & plate(Old buddies), Artline pens, fabric dye(1st try on this material), pencils, and also XYLITOL(which to keep me awake during midnight and give me inspirations lol)

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The draft with grey & black markers lines

The pencil sketch with fabric grey shades

The trailer of the gift. Gonna transfer the draft to a shirt. It's gonna be hard to draw on a shirt. Let's make it.