Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My first art work of a colored portrait. It's a portrait of a girl whom I am really into, even though she's really into some other guy, and even it's disheartening. Hopefully it's a decent birthday gift for her 20th. By giving her this I think it'll ruin our friendship, gonna distant us much more than ever :| 
The framed final art work. It may seem like one but it is definitely not a funerary damn.

A pencil sketch for the portrait. It looks simple but it costs me quite lots of effort portraying it out from a photo.

So I first start off with the light skin color tryna picture out the facial mucles.
And I color up the doe-eyes of hers that always get me mesmerized.
And her fragile paper thin lips and the eyebrows, the nose I make it lil bit pointier. 

Random photo of the painting kits.

Now it's her straight hair. It's originally black in color.
Basically the painting is out. This looks bit too chubby >.< Just needs somemore make ups.
Product without the frame. A lil bit more make ups are done before framing. 

P/S I hope to draw her her portrait every year with different styles. All I want is simple sigh.I hope she doesn't throw it away when she gets it or does whatever making me sad even if I drew it badly. Whatever, guess I'm obsessed. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

完美,何为完美?连好的边都扯不上,甭谈完美。孰能抛开世俗的眼光,心无旁骛地活出自己?现今活着就是为了比较,竞争,誓死爬上人生的最高点。再说,人们太过于执着得不到的东西。越是不可能得到的东西,就越会想尽办法,出尽三十六计,不尽一切,不折手段的势必要得到。然而,悲哀的是往往人们作践自己,屈膝卑躬的付出一切努力,结果弄巧反拙,搞得自身伤痕累累,疲惫不堪,却连半口果子的味儿都尝不成。难道就不能悄悄的,潇洒地离执着而去?还有,为何人们就离不开群居的生活?为何忍受不了寂寞?为何不能迁入深山隐居,过着神仙般的生活呢?哼,神仙般的生活,除非你仙逝了,要不这玩意儿只能向往就好,不能当真。人们活着非要有伪装的面具,说好听一些,也就是把不同的一面呈现给不同的人,就好比见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话那样。而我,就通常把胡闹的一面搬出来,常有“别人笑我太疯癫”的自我保护模式,显得潇潇洒洒,仿佛世界的一切大小事都事不关己,其实不以然,心里滴着血,然而没人体会。很难想象,其实和尚,修士,到底是否摆脱了七情六欲,看破红尘,一心一意修灵,以备后来的西方的世界,抑或是天堂永生之福。有时候,真希望有个能看透自个儿灵魂的人生活在一起。然而这纯粹是妄想,自己都不认识自己的灵魂,奢望别人来了解?说到底根本就不了解自己存在的意义。长篇大论,废话连篇,本身都不明白这是为何! 参不透,悟不出,就让思绪潇洒地飘逸于空中~

Friday, March 8, 2013

Man I don't know why things always go wrong instead of going to the right path as I expected or as planned. Brain is getting weaker, everyday I feel like getting stupider, slower response, slower sense, everything is degraded exponentially as day goes by. How the fuck is this happening? Just a small test regarding my electronic engineering course, damn it the easy questions I had them slipped, I tripped and lost lots of marks, those tough ones I don't even dare to think bout it. Today experiment, was to build an easy BCD encoder, what the fuck I failed to do it, how much stupidity could I discover more I wondered sometimes. Things weren't suppose to be like that man. Seriously man, to be frank I wish that I can graduate this electronic engineering shit with flying colors result, and perform well in my job field next time, in order to have a happy life. Who says money isn't everything, man fuck you it is everything you can't live without those pieces of shit, and I need a good job with high payment to LIVE! I just hope that everything goes back to the right track, as it was when I was younger, things went well that time. Man I pray this to you God, through Lord Jesus Christ. In fact, if my life could be any more perfect, please help me to realize it, Amen.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

At this freaking morning, I did something freaky. Woke up from the bed and it was already 8:06. Man, I was having those disturbing dreams which freaked up my mind and even though I slept for enough hours I was still tired as hell. Freaking dragged myself up and quickly got ready to class. Man, fuck those cars in front, in my mind I was thinking. At the junction I was about to left turn, the freaking old type Mercedes seemed like would never grab nice chance to get out from the waiting zone. I tried to surpass him, by moving lil bit to his right side. Great, see there was a chance to go out fast, right stepped on the pedal hard, and there went pi ka boom. My car got onto the edge of the front Mercedes, didn't even know how. So I parked aside and talked to the old man driving that car. The Mercedes didn't even have a scratch so he let me go without getting any shit from me. I felt so sad bout my car, left side of it got crashed! So that was proton thingy, so freaking fragile and unreliable! I felt so numb as my freaking brain was still kinda like freezing. So when I reached the class I didn't even actually listen to my lecturer. Well great, so I complained my shit to my friends. Luckily one of my friends having his dad who could fix the car for me. Aww man total spent me RM270. My ang paus all gone. Wonder this Friday how am I gonna confront my dad. Hope everything's perfectly fine after this kinda accident. I meant like for the rest of my life. It was the freaking karma which got me into this I guess, was laughing at others all the time, now I got the chance to take a taste of it. Hmmm....

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bought a new bike today, white background with some blue decorations on it, simply just awesome, foremost blue's color of cool. There was a black one exactly same design with this one, but I prefer this color, which was more attractive I guess. Kinda have the feeling like love at the first sight when I spotted it. About the price, for me this kinda poor student it was very expensive, costed me RM400. Jesus, it was like cutting slice of flesh from me, but at last I just paid it with my heart bleeding, hopefully it would stay with me until I graduate. :)